Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Gila Monster

Gila Monsters mate during the summer seasons, male lizards often wrestle during this period. After successful copulation, two to seven eggs are laid in sands, under rocks or in burrows. Hatchlings are able to bite and already have venom upon hatching.

Gila Monsters, although quite slow and passive, are rather disliked by hikers and other humans encountering them and are often killed, although they pose little actual threat to humans. Currently the number of Gila Monsters is shrinking, due to destruction of their natural habitat, as well as poaching.

They are a often bred in captivity in zoos, although no actions have been taken to increase their numbers. These lizards, although quite sluggish, have been a subject to many myths based on prejudice and the attitude towards them is a lot more negative than they deserve.
Gila Monster
Gila Monster


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